Saturday 8 October 2011

science computer again..hoho^^


i'm back..ha3... ni nk ckp pasal science comp lagi...kali ni about network...tau tak network ade bape jenis?ni nak habaq mai..

Network is classified into three types:
                                 1)Local Area Networks
                                 2)Metropolitan Area Networks
                                 3)Wide Area Networks

Ok...let me introduce you to LAN..local area network is a network that connect computers and devices in a limited geographical area such home,school and office building.The simplest form of LAN is connected two computer together.

 There are two types of LAN:
1)Personal Area Network(PAN)-computer network used for communication  among computer and different information technological devices close to one person
2)Home Area Network(HAN)-residential LAN which is used for  communication at home

In the using of this network there're also advantages and disadvantages.So the advantages is easy to share devices such as printer and scanner.It is also easy to share data and the cost LAN setup is low.The disadvantages are the area covered by LAN is limited and if all computer running at one time the speed will reduced.

                                           Now it's time for Metropolitan Area Network a.k.a  MAN...metropolitan area network is a high speed network that connects local area networks in a metropolitan area such as a city or town.
In MAN there're Campus Area Network(CAN) is a computer network made up of an interconnection of local area network within a limited geographical area.

The advantages of using this network is efficiency and shared access.All the computer-owning have ability to go online while the disadvantages is it can be costly and the connection might be slow due to the many users. last Wide Area is a network that covers a large geographic area using a communications channels that combines many types of media.

                                                  Under this WAN there're Enterprise Private Network(EPN) build by an enterprise to interconnect various company sites.There are also Virtual Private Network(VPN).It is a computer network in which some of the links between nodes are carried by open connections or virtual circuit in some larger networks.

The advantages of WAN is increase efficiency and ease of communication also lowered costs.Furthermore,the disadvantages is there are security problems and maintenance problem.The training cost is also high and the speed is slowest because there are many users.

                            so ..ha3..memandangkan i learn science comp in english so kne la speaking je la pasal network...hope u all get the information.......have a gud day                             

Sunday 25 September 2011

science comp. is the best

                      hi..i'm new here...Aku study kat matrik perak and amik course sc.comp.Ni  nk crite pasal sc.comp.Mase mule2 blajar aku tak tahu ape2 pon.aku ni agak bute IT..ha3..tapi bile dh dkt 13 mggu belajar aku rase bnyknye ilmu yg aku dpt kat lab comp.tu...same gak kat lecture..tajuk 1 ialah information technology.Kat cni aku blajo introduction of information technology ngan application skali.Kat lab pulak  aku blaja office gune open office..first skli aku gne open office writer tuk wat pasal interesting places.Kat cni bru aku tau nk gne footnote,citations,bibliography dan indexing.Topic 2 pulak aku blujo computer system kat lcture.Pastu kat lab aku blaja gne calc open office.Kat cni leh gune tuk kire bende mcm markah exam dan ia akan mudahkan kite dgn arithmatic function mcm sum,average,max,min dan sbgainya.Pastu kat lab aku blaja gak cam ne nak gne open office impress.Kite slalu gune impress utk wat presentation kat kelas ke or kelab.Mase wat impress ni aku tau cam ne nak edit slide ngan apply custom animation.Aku blaja jugak care nak gne charts.Sbagai praktikal aku wat pasal diri aku ..aku blaja gak wat webpage..skrg ni aku baru je abis chapter 3..chpt ni psl  network,internet ,type of website dan aku suke giler la science comp. ni...bynk ilmu baru aku dpt..skrg aku dpt gune komputer dgn berilmu..ha3.....